Withdrawal of Elemental Holding shares
Withdrawal of Elemental Holding shares
Prominent real estate lawyer Paweł Dębowski joins Cornerstone Partners
Andrzej Klesyk, Andrzej Rojek, Eyal Litwin, and Piotr Zajączkowski are joining Cornerstone Partners
Cornerstone Partners strengthens its team
Vectra has completed the acquisition of Multimedia Polska for a fixed price. By doing so, it has become the largest cable operator in Poland in subscriber number terms, overtaking Liberty Global’s UPC Polska.
Wing, Hungary’s leadingreal estate company, has finalized the acquisition of 56% stake in Echo Investment, the largest Polish developer listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange.
From four to one: The new, global Avenga digital platform will combine the strengths of the four leading European IT specialists IT Kontrakt, Sevenval, CoreValue and Solidbrain under one roof. Therewith the company combines the speed, flexibility and innovative power of a start-up with the implementation expertise and delivery processes of an experienced and large provider.
The IT Services Competence Platform, a global capital group being assembled by Oaktree Capital Management and Cornerstone Partners, is welcoming a new member: Sevenval Technologies, a leading German frontend expert for digital transformation.
IT Services Competence Platform, a global-reach Capital Group, managed from Poland and backed by Oaktree Capital Management and Cornerstone Partners, welcomes a new member - CoreValue, a U.S. based software services provider.
Funds managed by Cornerstone Partners and funds managed by Oaktree Capital Management, L.P. (“Oaktree”) have entered into a purchase agreement to acquire IT Kontrakt Sp. z o.o. (“ITKontrakt”) a leading vendor of IT services outsourcing in Poland from Work Service S.A. (“WS Group”).
Khai Tan i Maciej Dyjas, którzy biznesowe szlify zdobywali rozwijając Empik, odkupili sieć Smyk od swojego byłego pracodawcy. W popularnych sklepach kojarzących się z zabawkami chcą sprzedawać głównie odzież dziecięcą pod własną marką. Liczą na sukces, bo znane firmy odzieżowe są mało aktywne w segmencie rynku dla najmłodszych.
Funds managed by Cornerstone Partners and funds managed by Oaktree Capital Management, L.P. (“Oaktree”) have entered into a purchase agreement to acquire ProService Agent Transferowy a prominent player in the business process outsourcing market and a leading transfer agent in Poland.